
Sunday, February 4, 2007

Making The Best Area Rug Choice

With such a dizzying array of choices in area rugs, which will be best for you and your home?

Well, there are a few major factors to consider when selecting the area rug for any particular room and first and foremost should be the general theme of the room's decor. In other words, why would you put an oriental rug in a room that has southwestern furnishings? Even if the rug is a real beauty, it often can just simply look out of place and even detract from the appaearance of the room.

Of course, oriental and persian rugs are flexible and can be used successfully in many types of decor, but certain styles just clash and should not be attempted unless you really know what you are doing.

Contemporary rugs are a great choice with most modern room furnishings and they also come in a wide selection of patterns, colors and designs. You can find practically any color combination that you need in this one area rug category.

For western and southwestern decor, Navajo and southwestern style rugs are a great choice and usually enhance the overall theme of the room considerably.

Round and braided rugs are great selections for Early American themed rooms or rooms that are well-decorated with antiques evoking a feel for an older time. This design just fits in well and adds to the warm, comfortable atmosphere of it's surroundings.

Once the thme of the room is matched, make sure that the colors you choose will accent and not clash with the furnishings, the wall colors, wallpaper, and flooring. It's OK to use a splash of color to liven up the room, but be careful not to go overboard in this area as a little bright color goes a long way. And if the area rug will be placed in a high traffic setting, it may be beneficial to select a rug with darker shades anyway so it won't show dirt and wear as easily.

And, of course don't forget the cost. Handmade area rugs will most often cost quite a bit more than their machine made counterparts. Again, the decor of the room will often determine whether or not there is a need for such an expensive rug or not, but happily, many machine made rugs these days are not only very attractive in appearance but also wear well and hold up to years of use.

So then, taking a little time to determine your needs in advance can help you make a wise area rug selection.

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